Published Mar 26, 2023
UCF offers 2026 QB Noah Grubbs
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Brandon Helwig  •  UCFSports

UCF sees a big future in Noah Grubbs.

The Lake Mary quarterback made a name for himself last fall when he became a freshman starter and helped the Rams go deep in the state playoffs.

"It was a great feeling," Grubbs said. "I was able to get in during the second game after our quarterback's helmet came off and my first ever play was a 68-yard touchdown. In the third game, I got put in after halftime. My first play after halftime was a 60-yard pass and we ended up scoring. It's been great. I was able to learn another quarterback's wing and now I'm here."

Grubbs didn't hesitate when asked about his favorite freshman moment.

"Most definitely beating Seminole in the second round of the playoffs," he said. "After they beat us at our home 43-6, which was embarrassing to our school and our fans, I wasn't going to let that happen again. We went to their field in the playoffs and beat them 12-8."

Primarily a defensive battle, Grubbs threw the game-winning touchdown pass with 1:13 remaining. It snapped a five-game losing streak to Seminole.

A week later, Grubbs and Lake Mary gave Apopka everything they had. Grubbs completed 19 of 35 passes for 332 yards and three touchdowns, but it wasn't enough as the Blue Darters won 30-23.

On the recruiting front, Grubbs has been on UCF offensive coordinator Darin Hinshaw's radar for a long time.

"I've had a close bond with Coach Hinshaw," Grubbs said. "His brother Tyson has been coaching me since I was 7. Coach Hinshaw, when he was at UAB, was actually my first ever offer. I went to campus and he saw me throw, so he's known me for a good bit."

Following the season, Hinshaw, himself a former UCF quarterback, returned to his alma mater as offensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach. Grubbs got his offer when he came over in late January for Friday Knight Lights.

"I think Coach Hinshaw likes the way I can scan the field, from one receiver to another," Grubbs said. "He said I have the arm talent."

Virginia Tech also offered around the same time.

"Seeing all this interest, knowing I'm so young, it really motivates me," Grubbs said. "I really appreciate the fact they trust in me to continue to develop."

On Saturday, Grubbs made the short drive over to UCF to take in a spring practice.

"It felt like home," Grubbs said. "I wasn't nervous talking to any coaches. It just felt so normal talking to Coach (Gus) Malzahn and Coach Hinshaw. I liked how everybody knew my name. They were all welcoming. I'd have a nice conversation with a coach and then another coach comes up and we'd talk. I felt at home even more."

Head coach Gus Malzahn also spent time with him.

"I had a meeting with my family and he and his wife," Grubbs said. "We were just talking. It wasn't just about football, just learning each other's backgrounds. It was a great time with him."

Grubbs has a busy camp schedule mapped for the summer. He knows he'll be at the UCF quarterback camp in June. It's likely he'll return for another spring practice and it's a lock he'll be at games this fall.

"UCF is going into the Big 12," Grubbs said. "I'm only 25 minutes away. There's nothing better than that."

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